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Archive for the ‘NRL’ Category

State of Origin Odds: Fighting Talk Ahead Of Game Two

June 17th, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

There are few sporting contests that are more fierce, or more ferociously contested, than the State of Origin. In fact, we can’t think of any just off the top of our heads. The guys who pull on the blue and maroon jerseys know they’re in for the battle of their lives each and every series. And this year’s State of Origin has already set the bar incredibly high: the Blues in particular showed amazing commitment in defense, and that’s why the State of Origin odds are in their favour for the series win that will Read the rest of this entry »

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State of Origin Odds: Blues On The Brink

June 16th, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

The first game of this year’s State of Origin blew us away. It was tense, exciting, brutal and hard-fought – and it blew away lots of predictions about the series, too. Where NSW came into Game One with some of the worst State of Origin odds in a long while, their Game Two odds are as short as any we can remember.

The preparations for Read the rest of this entry »

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State of Origin Odds: Blues Hard At Work

June 11th, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

NSW are on the brink of overturning eight years of misery in the State of Origin, and they were hard at work even before the announcements of the sides for Game 2. A look at the State of Origin odds shows you that they’ve gone from the longest odds any side has seen in recent times to some of the shortest – and it’s in large part down to hard work and a team spirit that helped them hold out in the dying minutes.

The key thing for the Blues is going to be Read the rest of this entry »

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State of Origin: Game 2 Odds And Specials

June 11th, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

We’re a week out from the biggest State of Origin game that we can remember – certainly for NSWand their legions of fans, who are within touching distance of victory for the first time in close to a decade. We’re keeping an eye on the State of Origin odds for you in these pages, but there are Read the rest of this entry »

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State of Origin Odds: Maroons Delay Squad Announcement

June 10th, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

It was only a few hours, but does the delay to the announcement of the Queensland suggest some confusion in the camp – a little bit of indecision this close to the vital second encounter in this year’s State of Origin series? The State of Origin odds have swung in favour of the Blues since Read the rest of this entry »

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State of Origin Odds: Injury Woes For Both Sides

June 6th, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

Rugby league is tough. You can see that week in and week out in the NRL – those guys hold nothing back and they give absolutely everything for the cause. And the State of Origin is faster, tougher and harder than even the NRL, so you have to expect injuries. They make the remainder of the series interesting for both sides, and they might be having an effect on the State of Origin odds, too…

For the Blues, Read the rest of this entry »

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State of Origin Odds: The Blues Prepare For Game Two

June 4th, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

If the State of Origin series is one of the biggest events in sports – and it definitely is if you ask rugby league fans here in Australia or anywhere around the world – then Game Two of this year’s State of Origin is one of the biggest moments in recent sporting times. NSW have a chance to set right eight years of agony for their fans when they line up against the Maroons on the 18th, and there will be millions watching. So make sure you’ve got all the State of Origin odds you need for the big game!

The news Read the rest of this entry »

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State of Origin Odds: Maroons Selection Headaches

June 3rd, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

A week is a long time in sport. And it can feel longer in rugby league – especially when we’re waiting for Game Two of a State of Origin series that could give us a result Blues fans have been craving for the best part of a decade. And it’s more than a week to go before Game Two! We’ve got all your State of Origin odds if you follow the links, and we’ll be keeping an eye on the news between now and the 18th, in particular the Read the rest of this entry »

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State of Origin: Get The Updated Odds

June 2nd, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

Put a big circle around June 18th on your calendar. It’s a Wednesday night, but you might want to think about shelving any plans you have, because the second game of the State of Origin series will be hitting your TV, and it’s set up to be a real rumble! The State of Origin odds have shifted in favour of the Blues, and all eyes are on the Queensland squad to see if they can scrap their way back into the series…

With Read the rest of this entry »

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State of Origin: Blues Defy The Odds

May 31st, 2014 by TJ Dilfer

It was the 100th State of Origin game, and it had its moments of difficulty in the run-up, with seats controversially left unsold and some average off-field behaviour taking the focus away from the rugby. But we shouldn’t have doubted that all would be well on the night, because this is State of Origin.

And what a game! The State of Origin odds have flipped after Read the rest of this entry »

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